Jarek Kędra - publications
  1. J.Kędra, A.Libman, Are free groups of different ranks bi-invariantly quasi-isometric? Glasgow Mathematical Journal (accepted).
  2. J.Kędra, I.Broadbent, Marsh Warblers in Aberdeen: the first confirmed breeding record for North-East Scotland. Scottish Birds 43(4), 363-364 (2023).
  3. S.Anjos, J.Kędra, M.Pinsonnault, Embeddings of symplectic balls into the complex projective plane.
  4. J.Kędra, On the geometry and bounded cohomology of racks and quandles. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 33 (2024) no 5, Paper No. 2450020.
  5. J.Kędra, A.Libman, V.Steblovskaya, European baskets in discrete-time continuous-binomial market models.
  6. J.Kędra, A.Libman, V.Steblovskaya, Hedging of European type contingent claims in discrete time binomial market models. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (accepted).
  7. Ś.R.Gal, J.Kędra, A refinement of bounded cohomology.
  8. J.Kędra, A. Libman, Directional asymptotic cones of groups equipped with bi-invariant metrics.
  9. J.Kędra, On Lipschitz functions on groups equipped with conjugation-invariant norms. Colloquium Mathematicum (2023).
  10. J.Kędra, Review of: Putting Two and Two Together: Selections from the Mathologer Files by Burkard Polster and Marty Ross . Mathematical Intelligencer (2022).
  11. J.Kędra, A.Libman, B.Martin, Uniform boundedness for algebraic groups and Lie groups.
  12. J.Kędra, A.Libman, V.Steblovskaya, Pricing multi-asset contingent claims in a multi-dimensional binomial market. Journal of Stochastic Analysis, vol 4, n. 1 (2023).
  13. B.Karlhofer, J.Kędra, M.Marcinkowski, A.Trost, Qualitative counting closed geodesics. Geometriae Dedicata 213, 523-530 (2021).
  14. Ś.R. Gal, J.Kędra, A.A.Trost, Finite index subgroups in Chevalley groups are bounded: an addendum to "On bi-invariant word metrics".
  15. J.Kędra, A.Libman, B.Martin, Strong and uniform boundedness of groups. Journal of Topology and Analysis (to appear).
  16. M.Brandenbursky, J.Kędra, Fragmentation norm and relative quasimorphisms. Proceedings of the AMS.
  17. M.Brandenbursky, J.Kędra, The autonomous norm on Ham(R2n) is bounded. Annales mathématiques du Québec, 41 (2017), no. 1, 63–65.
  18. M.Brandenbursky, J.Kędra, E.Shelukhin, On the autonomous norm on the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of the torus. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, Commun. Contemp. Math. 20 (2018), no. 2, 1750042, 27 pp.
  19. M.Brandenbursky, J.Kędra, Concordance group and stable commutator length in braid groups. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 15 (2015), no. 5, 2861–2886.
  20. M.Brandenbursky, Ś.R.Gal, J.Kędra, M.Marcinkowski, Cancelation norm and the geometry of biinvariant word metrics, Glasgow Mathematical Journal 58 (2016), no. 1, 153–176.
  21. M.Brandenbursky, J.Kędra, On the autonomous metric on the group of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of the 2-disc, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 13 (2013), no. 2, 795–816.
  22. J.D.Evans, J.Kędra, Pseudoholomorphic tori in the Kodaira-Thurston manifold, Compositio Mathematica 151 (2015), no. 12, 2212–2250.
  23. S.Gal, J.Kędra, On distortion in groups of homeomorphisms, Journal of Modern Dynamics, vol. 5, no. 3, 609-622.
  24. J.D.Evans, J.Kędra, Remarks on monotone Lagrangians in Cn, Mathematical Research Letters, Volume 21 (2014), Number 6, 1241-1255.
  25. M.Brandenbursky, J.Kędra, Quasi-isometric embedding into diffeomorphism groups, Groups Geometry Dynamics 7 (2013), no. 3, 523–534.
  26. S.Gal, J.Kędra, xhx(g*α-α).
  27. S.Gal, J.Kędra, On bi-invariant word metrics, Journal of Topology and Analysis Vol.3, No. 2 (2011) 161-175.
  28. J.Kędra, On the cohomology of classifying spaces of groups of homeomorphisms, Proceedings of the EMS.
  29. S.Gal, J.Kędra, A two-cocycle on the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms, Mathematische Zeitschrifft 271 (2012), no. 3-4, 693–706.
  30. S.Gal, J.Kędra, A.Tralle, On the algebraic independence of Hamiltonian characteristic classes, Journal of Symplectic Geometry, volume 9, issue 1, (2011), pages 1-10.
  31. J.Kędra, A.Tralle, A. Woike, On nondegenerate coupling forms, Journal of Geometry and Physics, Volume 61, Issue 2, February 2011, Pages 462--475.
  32. J. Kędra, The Lalonde-McDuff conjecture and the fundamental group, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Volume 54, Issue 01, pp 125 -129.
  33. S.Gal, J. Kędra, A cocycle on the group of symplectic diffeomorphisms, Advances in Geometry, vol 11 (2011), 73--88.
  34. J. Kędra, Fundamental group of Symp(M,w) with no circle action, Archivum Mathematicum, vol 45 (1), 2009.
  35. J.Kędra, Symplectically hyperbolic manifolds, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 27 (2009), pp. 455-463.
  36. J.Kędra, Y.Rudyak, A. Tralle, Symplectically aspherical manifolds, The journal of fixed point theory and applications, Volume 3, Number1, pages 1-21, 2008.
  37. J.Kędra, O symetrii, Wiadomosci Matematyczne (2007) - in Polish.
  38. J.Kędra, Y.Rudyak, A.Tralle, On fundamental groups of symplectically aspherical manifolds II: Abelian groups, Mathematische Zeitschrifft (2007).
  39. J.Kędra, D.Kotschick, S.Morita, Crossed flux homomorphisms and vanishing theorems for flux groups, Geometric and Functional Analysis (2006).
  40. S.Gal, J.Kędra, Symplectic configurations, International Math Research Notices (2006).
  41. Conference on Symplectic Topology. Papers from the conference held in Stare Jablonki, July 3--10, 2004. Edited by Boguslaw Hajduk, Jarek Kędra, Aleksy Tralle and Leonid Polterovich. J. Symplectic Geom. 3 (2005), no. 4. International Press, Somerville, MA,2005. pp. i--iv and 481--767. 53-06
  42. J.Kędra, D.McDuff, Homotopy properties od Hamiltonian group actions, Geometry and Topology, Volume 9 (2005) Paper no. 3, pages 121--162.
  43. J.Kędra, Evaluation fibrations and topology of symplectomorphisms, Proceedings of the AMS 133 (2005), 305-312.
  44. R.Ibanez, J.Kędra, Y.Rudyak, A.Tralle, On fundamental groups of symplectically aspherical manifolds, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Volume 248, Number 4, 805 - 826 (2004).
  45. J. Kędra, Restrictions on symplectic fibrations, (with an appendix "Simple examples of nontrivial Gromov-Witten invariants" written jointly with Kaoru Ono). Differential Geometry and its Applications, Volume 21, Issue 1 , July 2004, Pages 93-112.
  46. T.Januszkiewicz, J.Kędra, Characteristic classes of smooth fibrations
  47. J. Jezierski, J. Kędra, W.Marzantowicz, Homotopy minimal periods for solvmanifold maps, Topology and its Applications, Volume 144, Issues 1-3, 28 October 2004, Pages 29-49.
  48. J.Kędra, Remarks on the flux groups, Mathematical Research Letters 7, 279-285 (2000).
  49. J.Kędra, KS-Models and Symplectic Structures on Total Spaces of Bundles, Bulletin of the Belgian Math. Soc. Simon Stevin,7, 377-385 (2000).
  50. J.Kędra, A.Tralle, Compact Completely Solvable Kahler Solvmanifolds are Tori, International Mathematical Research Notices No.15 (1997), 727-732.
  51. J.Kędra, A.Tralle, On Symplectic Fat Bundles, Bulletin of Polish Academy of Sciences (Mathematics) 43(1995), 161-167.